All great ideas seem simple in hindsight. The mark of a really excellent invention is that people stand back and go "Why did we never think of this before?!"
It was bound to have happened with, say, the wheel, but as the invention of the wheel is lost to us, we also didn't have to see the embarrassing second stage that all great inventions go through; the stage where someone tries to improve on it.
There must have been some caveman, somewhere, who decided that the wheel was all well and good, but triangles were better. Or squares. Shapes with right-angles were the future, because they made your fancy new cart almost impossible to steal. Unless of course someone thought to load it onto a second cart that, y'know, had wheels. The only way to prevent this would be to make sure ALL carts had triangular or square wheels, which just makes it a growth industry.
In the spirit of the idiots who always try to ruin a perfectly good idea, I'd like to introduce you to some worthless god damned clickbait site's
ideas for things you can do with beer. Added, for the low, low price of absolutely nothing, are my counter-suggestions.
"1: Bathe In It!
Beer is full of vitamins as well as yeast, which acts as a skin softener. It also contains hops, to exfoliate your skin. Add a bottle to your bath water and relax."
A Better Idea:
Not only is drinking beer at least as relaxing as a bath, if you drink enough of it you'll smell like you've been soaking in alcohol without having to run up your water bill, thus saving money and the environment. What kind of pretentious hipster asshole wants to smell like booze without putting the hours in AND wreck the environment?!
"2: Polish Jewellery!
No need to spend a lot on special cleaners for your gold jewellery. Simply soak it in a dish of beer, rinse, then polish with a dry cloth."
A Better Idea:
I'm pretty sure that the main financial barrier to gold jewellery isn't expensive cleaning materials. In fact, as a non-reactive metal, you can clean gold with hydrochloric acid without any damage to anything other than your fingers, so save your beer for more important things, like consumption.
"3: Put Out A Fire!
Don't have a fire extinguisher handy? Shake up a can of beer and pour it over the flames! Note that this is only for small fires, such as grill flare-ups, not electrical or grease fires."
A Better Idea:
Look, I'm not one to judge, but this whole scenario assumes that you're holding a beer and something is now on fire. This makes it pretty likely that it's your fault, and getting the hell out of there before the cops show should be a first priority.
If that's not the case, this entry seems to assume that the best course of action in a grill fire is to run to the fridge and get a beer, instead of finding some water or any other more readily available liquid. That's just fucking stupid. My grill is literally three feet from my tap, which is half as far away as the fridge where I keep beer. The author of this list of ideas seems to have run out of good advice somewhere around number 1, and by this third entry is basically just telling the public that most liquids will extinguish fire. How many other fluids did they try before hitting on the genius "beer" idea?! I can't wait for next week's piece, "The Top One Things Not To Do With Petrol."
"4: Beersicles!
Simply add a touch of orange juice and simple syrup, pour into molds, and freeze overnight."
A Better Idea:
Just take a deep breath, look your dad in the eye and tell him you're gay.
This isn't the worst idea on the list (see above) but really, any other form of booze in the world would be a better ingredient in frozen lollipops. If you're going to water something down with OJ and syrup, at least make it something that doesn't begin at a maximum 5% ABV.
"5: Highlight Hair!
To get natural highlights in your hair, soak it in beer, then head for the sun. After about an hour, rinse with cool water."
A Better Idea:
Drugs stay in your hair a hell of a lot longer than anywhere else - a single strand of hair can act like a geological record of your narcotic intake. It's why Britney Spears shaved her head right before a custody meeting. With this in mind, my own hair is at least boozy enough to ignite like
Michael Jackson in a Pepsi commercial when exposed to a naked flame, and I remain a uniform dull brown. Don't waste yet another beer on this stupid advice. Bottoms up, you're lagging behind.
"6: Beer Slide!
Think water slides are fun? Why not try a beer slide at your next party?"
A Better Idea:
Literally anything.
Try throwing a party in which you provide a few cases of beer and then pour it all over a plastic sheet that people can slip and fall over on, and see how many friends you have at the end of it.
Drinking enough beer will allow people to skid around and fall over of their own accord; plastic sheeting should remain the preserve of serial killers and the incontinent.
"7: Polish Furniture!
To shine your wooden furniture and restore the colour, polish it with a cloth dampened in beer."
A Better Idea:
If you're following my half of the instructions at home, by now you should be drunk enough that you're spilling plenty of beer on your furniture anyway. You're welcome. If you're at a bar, try to argue that you're helping restore the furniture by spilling your pint, and as such should be getting staff discount.
"8: Ice Pack!
An icy cold can of beer makes an excellent alternative for an ice pack [sic]. Cover it with thin fabric, and use it on an injury, headache or sunburn."
A Better Idea:
You're probably drunk enough that you took that "spillage/staff discount" idea a little too seriously and are now nursing a couple of injuries of your own in the gutter outside. Whilst an ice pack would be nice, don't you think you'd be better off DRINKING that beer and finding another bar?
"9: Chilli!
Add a can of beer to your chilli to intensify the flavour!"
A Better Idea:
Add chillies to your chilli to intensify the flavour. Drink beer to kill the pain.
"10: Go Green!
Use your creative skills to make beer can furniture."
A Better Idea:
Know when you're beaten.
This entry says a lot more about the author than it does about anything else.
Ignoring the fact that they couldn't find ten straight uses for beer, and have already resorted to pointing out that it's (no.3) a liquid and (no. 8) cold, this one aims to find uses for the packaging. This is the same author who, three ideas ago, implied that he or she had wooden furniture. Clearly, the writing thing isn't panning out for them and they've had to pawn their stuff, leaving them with nothing except an empty apartment, several cases of beer, a freezer full of piss-weak popsicles and no ideas.
"11: Marinate Meat!
Tenderize a steak by marinating it in beer for a few hours in the refrigerator."
A Better Idea:
Eat the steak. Drink the beer. NB: This idea assumes you have something left in your life other than low-grade meat and an enormous beer surplus. If, like the original author and most of my readership, this isn't the case, it's easily the best idea on the list.
"12: Kill Slugs!
Get rid of those garden pests by attracting them with jars of beer, in which they drown!"
A Better Idea:
Pay a homeless guy to kill slugs for you. Homeless guys can be lured onto your property by leaving jars of beer lying around the garden overnight.
"13: Sleep Better!"
The smell of hops supposedly induces sleep. Try washing your pillowcase with beer to see if it works for you!"
A Better Idea:
Go to meetings, or something.
There are many excuses that people with a chronic drink problem tend to make, but the "I wasn't drunk, I just wash my pillows in beer" line is possibly the saddest I've heard. Seriously, nameless author, I'm sorry your career isn't going well. I'm sorry they repossessed your furniture and you were reduced to eating tough, leathery meat procured from a Danish zoo. I'm sorry that the vegetables to go with it were eaten by slugs. I'm sorry your dad doesn't look at you the same since he came over, saw your highlighted hair and you offered him a beersicle. I'm sorry your house burned down in a grill-fire, and that the firemen laughed at you when you admitted your first reaction was to go to the fridge. But really, for all our sakes, seek help. You're giving writers AND alcoholics a bad name.
need to spend a lot on special cleaners for your gold jewelry. Simply
soak it in a dish of beer, rinse, then polish with a dry cloth. - See
more at:
is full of vitamins as well as yeast, which acts as a skin softener. It
also contains hops, to exfoliate your skin. Add a bottle to your bath
water and relax! - See more at:
is full of vitamins as well as yeast, which acts as a skin softener. It
also contains hops, to exfoliate your skin. Add a bottle to your bath
water and relax! - See more at: