Sunday, 10 November 2013

On The Perils Of Internet Dating.

 Even in the future year of 2013, when rocket cars and human cloning are common, there’s still something of a stigma about internet dating.

 It can’t be because it’s geeky; the whole world is now officially the geekiest it’s ever been. We’re all using the internet at any given moment, and there are lost tribes in the darkest Amazon jungles that still made the effort to see The Avengers.

 Maybe it’s because online dating smacks of desperation. It’s basically an admission that you’re incapable of meeting people in the real world because you’re socially inept.

 There’s a kernel of truth in all this, but more on that later. First and foremost, I have excuses to make, namely that I work nights in a bar, so seldom get to socialise in the evenings.

 As a result, I’m on an internet dating website, and I’m here to tell you people that it’s every bit as soul destroyingly awful as you suspect it would be.

 This is because…

1. The Only People Who Message You Will Be Hideous Swamp-Donkeys.

 I doubt that I can solve every issue besetting modern feminism in one drunken blog post, but one of the most frustrating things about women’s liberation is the constant, defeatist hypocrisy. I ended up shouting at my car radio the other day because a plumbing advert aimed at women said that they should call whatever firm it was “if the man in your life is too busy” to fix a leak. Clearly, this is because women are too stupid to understand the concept of a spanner, and because they probably lack opposable thumbs.

 In the non-patronising world outside of advertising, women are capable of doing plenty of things off their own back, including sending the first message on a dating site. But damned if they will. They’ll sit there like a group of preening Sirens, luring in the desperate, stupid, horny men of the internet – otherwise known as “the men of the internet.”

 The only exceptions to this rule are the women who aren’t getting any attention, due to what could politely be described as unfortunate genetics. These women will sally out into the wider online dating world and send the first message, meaning that as a guy, I’ll often get an e-mail saying “Hefty101 wants to meet you!”

 The response to this is almost always the same. My first thought is “Oooh! Cool. Someone wants to meet me,” followed by my clicking the link and then “My eyes! My eyes! Sweet Jesus, my eyes! How badly did that woman offend the God of Faces to earn such punishment?!”

2. It Makes You Feel Like A Hideous Swamp Donkey.

 When messaged by such shudder-inducing HippoCrocoPigs, there’s an immediate moral dilemma. On the one hand, basic politeness compels you to respond to someone who has taken the time to send you a message. On the other hand, responding to the message would only prolong the encounter with someone you have absolutely no intention of dating, romancing, or not-chasing-out-of-town-with-a-pitchfork.

 Most people, faced with this crisis, ignore the messages from people they’re not attracted to, which is perfectly normal and understandable.

 It’s also crushing to your own self-esteem when you send messages and hear nothing back. You start using these sites as a normal person, only to slowly become a gibbering, paranoid mess convinced of your own hideousness and the hopelessness of your ever getting laid again unless it’s at a conference for blind, deaf mutes with head colds. You’re clearly only on an internet dating site because you’re pathetic and unloveable and now you can’t even manage to attract a member of your own worthless, date-proof kind because you’re too short and have a shitty job and- heyy! A message! I wonder if-

 Nope. Swamp Donkey.  

3. It Turns Everyone Involved Into Objectively Horrible People.

 I’m willing to bet that even the most hard-hearted of people wouldn’t point-blank ignore someone who was speaking to them unless there was a good reason. Even if a member of the terminally aesthetically challenged struck up a conversation in a bar or at a bus stop, it would be bad form to just quietly back away without making eye contact.

 As established, dating sites foster exactly this kind of behaviour, and it makes everyone, male and female, into judgemental dicks. I refuse to message anyone who uses the word “banter,” just because it gets on my nerves. I’ve personally implemented a “no Welsh people” rule just because it’s £6.50 to cross the bridge and I can’t be arsed with paying it. It’s only a forty minute drive to Cardiff, but no, I’m too cheap, and next time someone says you can’t put a price on love I’ll be quick to correct them.

 If the fact that everyone involved in online dating was encouraged to be shallow, cheap and judgemental wasn’t bad enough, there’s also the people who are stunningly deluded. Women who are 5’ 2” and a size sixteen list their body type as “average.” They may well be average for their lumpen, pendulous, wheezing families, but to the rest of us they’re kidding themselves.

 Men are even worse in that they’ve managed to weaponise this type of delusion. I’m told of male profiles that list the exact details of the women who will be considered – “nothing above a size eight” etc – and these profiles almost always belong to a bloke with a face like a blind cobbler’s thumb.This kind of ridiculousness makes everyone else feel justified for being an emotionally numbed asshole, and the whole cycle starts over.

4. It’s So Fucking Laborious.

 Have you ever tried to flirt with someone over what is, essentially, e-mail?! There’s a reason we largely stopped doing that as a species. It’s slow, there’s no guarantee that the other person will actually get your message in anything like a timely fashion – turning a sharp, clever comeback into a day-old non-sequitur – and sending someone a more honest message (“I like the looks of your face and body, you don’t seem retarded and I promise I’m not a serial killer, can I have your number?”) doesn’t seem to yield many results.

 This means you often find yourself wading through awkward flirting and stilted, written-word conversations towards a distant shore of maybe buying someone a drink, and all of a sudden you’re nostalgic for the good old days of your youth when a Bacardi Breezer and a smile would earn you a fumble with an orange-skinned dullard from Essex. 

 In short, internet dating is a horrible, judgemental, soul-crushing slog that serves only to remind you of how cheap, shallow and unattractive you are. It’s an exhausting, grinding, frustrating, emotionally sterile facsimile of the romantic experience, and the really worrying thing is, it might actually be the future. As we all work longer hours, spend more time communicating solely via apps and work ever harder to surround ourselves with our impersonal technological cocoons, we might soon enough all be reduced to internet dating.

 Take my advice. Go and hit on someone in the pub before it comes to that. For old times’ sake.

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