Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Cruise's Blues Over Fleeing Flooze.

 Yeah. Like you had a better title...

 I will say one thing: It’s a good week if you hate Tom Cruise.
 Once an infallible, charming superstar, he couldn’t put a foot wrong at the box office, and even seemed to be a genuinely nice guy off camera.
 Then he fired his publicist, whose chief job appeared to be distracting the world from the fact that Tom was a crazy-eyed cult member with ADHD.
 The films started to falter, and with the exception of the creaking Mission: Impossible franchise, he hasn’t had a solid hit in years.
 His next movie is already at the centre of a howling, spittle-drenched fan backlash, and now, as he turns fifty, his wife is leaving, and she’s taking the kid.
 Tom Cruise may have just crossed the event horizon of mockery and fallen into the black hole of pity.
 Katie Holmes, meanwhile, couldn’t have come out of this better if she’d fled Cruise so fast that her slipstream put out a burning orphanage while her nipples sprayed beer.
 The Independent have joined in speculation that Holmes left Cruise due to fears their daughter would be raised a die-hard scientologist, and the writing is on the wall in every corner: “Good for Katie! She’s finally escaped that weirdo!”
 Except of course, that’s ridiculous.
 Because, ignored in all of this knee-jerk scientology bashing is the fact that Katie Holmes was raised a Catholic, and has sent her daughter to a Catholic pre-school, too.
 This means that Tom Cruise - a man who purportedly believes that the evil galactic emperor Xenu filled his soul with dead aliens - is being judged on religion by Katie Holmes, a woman who meets her fellow worshipers once a week to drink blood and eat magic crackers that become the flesh of a dead rabbi when you swallow them.
 I’m not saying scientology is blameless - scientology ruins lives. But, again, so does being abused by a priest who is then protected as a part of a much larger pedophile ring that is hidden for decades by the Church.
 Scientology claims to be able to “cure” homosexuals. Catholicism just advises that we kill them.
 Scientology takes its sacred text from a talentless hack of an author. Catholicism takes its sacred text from a group of third-hand accounts of stories by iron age shepherds.
 Scientology was founded by a man who claimed to be a heroic veteran of World War 2, but who actually only saw “combat” when he accidentally opened fire on Mexico, one time. Catholicism is led by a member of the Hitler Youth.
 I’m not just picking on these two belief systems, either. There’s plenty of low-hanging fruit to throw at any faith, but other faiths aren’t the ones that appear so diametrically opposed in the headlines right now.
 The attitude of “Kate has returned herself and her child to normal thinking” is laughable to an unbeliever. Catholicism is no more “normal” than Scientology, and no less sinister. It just has more of a pedigree.
 Nobody who is a card-carrying member of the “invisible friend in the sky” club should be pointing fingers at anyone else for their weird ideas.
 And when society finally stops listening to reams of ludicrous bullshit, maybe then we can focus on the important points.
 Like fans of bad science fiction brainwashing people into giving their money away in an attempt to prove to each other that they’re not gay.

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